Doing my small little part to cheer up someone, somewhere and sometime.

Friday, May 20, 2005

ADOY.....Master I am.......

Work I must and happy I am, Friday is here. To appear smart, my green friend I must thank, for countering my inefficient mind. Appear wiser I may....may not after all.

Quite funny, it was Starwars. For me ok but die hards fan like may not. Changed it must have viewers' tastes and what sells since the first Starwars movie.....20+ years it must have been. Time flies it must have??!! hhmmm old I must have been.....reminded I am old must be by pounding head in the morning. Ended movie about 12 midnite must have tortured me. Friend quoted...moments after credits come up, "Go we must immediately, early is work tomorrow"

Pretty tough for script writers must be, to write the script. To sound wiser, "transposed" thinking from normal writing I must use. Dwindling grey matter I must be......or never had any to start with, worst still.

"Puking and vomitting blood........." A cantonese phrase of exaggerating the some cases.


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