Doing my small little part to cheer up someone, somewhere and sometime.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Politically Incorrect......

I think I am gonna get fried for this piece.....

It all started with Austin Powers I think, that is the first time it came to my mind that it is so politically incorrect that it is so successful and funny. Then it went on and Shrek......was my all time favourite.....the ultimate of "bohchapness", so cool and unfazed that it made such a great statement.

Then I thought to myself maybe I like it because it is so.....ummm.....uuummmm......ME?! Deep down I am quite a some people told me. Then again I thought to myself, maybe I am just socially challenged, networking challenged and just like to be plain me.

Hmmmm WYSIWYG is probably the word to describe it......then again don't let this nice looking, talk, dark and handsome facade trick you....ooopppsss did I just describe myself....I meant that was my evil twin brother.



Blogger Emily said...

Hey, found this through the infamous "next blog" button...I was wondering if I could steal a line from your "all post should be taken lightly" disclaimer! I am just dealing with the ramifications of writing a post meant to be taken rather lightly that was taken FAR too seriously.

I agree with your political correctness - I am not very politically correct most of the time. Probably a fault but it takes entirely too much energy to keep up with what is or isn't politically correct this week!

1:16 PM

Blogger AC said...

Go ahead use anything you find useful from my blog

1:21 PM


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