Little thots.... :)
What is a tear?
A tear is just something you don’t show – so I heard from young,
B ecause it means you are weak.
C an I at least shed some tear when I am really sad.
D on’t shed a tear even if you are hurting like crazy.
E nough about tear, my dad said, grow up.
F or you are a guy and are not supposed to cry.
G irls are the only ones allowed to cry.
H ow I envy those who can cry freely and not be judged.
I think tears bring so much meaning with them.
J oy of a mother giving birth sheds tear of happiness.
K indness is amplified when we reach out and touch someone’s life with a tear.
L ove between couples grows when they can shed a tear and laugh together as well.
M ixed feelings tear is hard to explain – a single mom looking at her newborn child, happy and worried.
N evertheless, tears are probably the greatest expression there is when no words could be found.
O nly tears can express the great loss felt by parents’ of a child who passed away.
P salmist said - PS 116:8 For you, O LORD, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling.
Q uit shedding tears. Bring them all to the Lord in prayer.
R est assured that everything happens for a reason.
S ing praises to God during both bad and good times.
T o know that God has everything in His control is comfort enough for me.
U nknown to myself God is doing everything for my own good.
V ery well I said and thank you Christ.
W et eyes see clearer, for the dust has been wiped away. Thank you Jesus for dying on the
X (cross), thank you
Y ahwey, for my swollen eyes are ready to rest in your loving arms.
Z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz